Wednesday, August 24, 2005

At the beginning of the summer artist Rebecca Morris had the final exhibition of the Renaissance Society's 2004-2005 program. Since then, Art or Idiocy? has been feverishly writing up a piece on the show and the many issued raised not only by it, but by the discussion between the artist and Hamza Walker and essays he's written, not only for this particular exhibition, but exhibitions of her work in the past. Of course, as just about any time one begins discussing art, and this is especially true when tackling such major chunks as "painting" and "abstraction" and all the thoughts led to thereby, things get lengthy.

What follows is a fairly hefty piece of writing that his been evolving over the months. Hopefully it provides interesting perspectives and interpretations to the subject of painting and abstraction in general, and in the work of Rebecca Morris in specific.

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