Sunday, December 23, 2007

What I Want For Christmas

Hieronymus Bosch Figurines
Image: From Your Daily Awesome 5.27.7

That’s right, Hieronymus Bosch figurines! The National Gallery of Art (the nation of England) is selling them on their website. They are made of resin, which seems poised to be the 21st Century version of genuine imitation leather and replace plaster and PVC as the gold standard for mass-produced statuettes. At any rate these look totally awesome. You can get almost ever character from Bosch’s famous The Last Judgment.

There are characters from other artworks as well. The Dali is pretty cool, but the others are kind of lame. There is a weird looking art deco bong thing that is from Aubrey Beardsley's illustrations for Salomé. But it is the wide selections of damned beings from Bosch that steal the show.

1 comment:

molly m. said...

omg. i want.