Monday, April 03, 2006

Dude, Are You on MySpace?!?

If only Andy and Joseph Beuys were around to see the awesome power of MySpace...

If you are on myspace, you should invite Art or Idiocy? to be your friend, totally. For real. You will get announcements about new posts, interesting art news, and info on art exhibitions worth seeing. It will rock. You're a cool art person, right? Well then get your ass over to myspace. We already have some luminaries of the Chicago art scene and TWO Andy Warhols.

PS: if you are wondering what the main trends in art today are... Say you want to cash in and start making art a certain way that fits in with what is going on... Art or Idiocy? is preparing a list of what everyone is doing. So either get ready to start doing what everyone is doing, only slighty different. Or taking it just a bit further. OR see what everyone is doing and then do the exact opposite in hopes that that is the next new thing, or that you will stand out in a good way. So just sit tight. And be Art orIdiocy?s friend!

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